Unpaid carers can qualify for a grant if they are supporting someone in Leicestershire who has recently been discharged from hospital.
Carers often incur unexpected additional costs so they can now apply for a Leicestershire County Council funded grant which is available until 31 March next year.
To qualify for the grant, carers will need to show that the cared-for person:
- Lives in Leicestershire
- Has been discharged from hospital during the past four weeks (at the time of applying)
- Needs the carer for help and support to keep them safe
- Needs a level of support that has seen additional costs for the carer since the hospital discharge. This includes a loss of income due to taking time off work
The council coordinated initiative will once again be administered by Voluntary South Action Leicestershire (VASL) on behalf of the county council.
Councillor Christine Radford, county council cabinet member for adults and communities said: “The first round of the grant scheme was a success, so it’s great to be able to offer another opportunity for carers to access this support.
“People do a wonderful job looking after their loved ones, but perhaps don’t see themselves as carers or may not be in touch with the Support for Carers’ service.
“These are the people we are reaching out to so they have an opportunity to receive both practical and emotional support during such a stressful time.”
Linda is a carer who has already benefitted from the scheme. She said: “It was brilliant to get help with the additional costs and loss of income after I moved up from London to look after my parents.
“The people at VASL were amazingly helpful in assisting me to apply for the grant. The process was very easy and the payment came through quickly”
Another carer, Cheryl, said: “I am truly grateful for this support - both financially and emotionally - after my aunt was unexpectedly taken into hospital.
“It has helped to ensure I can travel to help her a lot more as well as paying for extra aids around the home to support her. The Support for Carers service was extremely helpful and made me feel less alone.”
Carers must apply within four weeks of the person they care for being discharged from hospital by completing the online application form on the Support for Carers websitehttps://www.supportforcarers.org/hospital-discharge-grant
Alternatively, carers can call VASL on 01858 468543 or email [email protected] and the team will complete the application form on their behalf.
Carers who received a grant from the previous round of funding can apply again to the 2023/24 grant fund if they meet the eligibility criteria – only one grant can be awarded to each carer.