Tomorrow the Labour Party will hold an 'opposition day' in parliament, something they are entitled to do every few months.
During that opposition day they will do what they have done since Jeremy Corbyn took over as leader, they will seek to find issues which can paint the Conservatives as 'heartless'.
Tomorrow the issues will be free schools meals (again), and Universal Credit.
The problem with opposition days is that they are non-binding, they say 'what' - but they don't say 'how'.
When you are in opposition it's very easy to 'what', and you leave the tough job of saying 'how' to others.
There's not one MP who hasn't thought long and hard about either issue, the difference is those with responsibility for saying 'how' will be far more cautious, they will want to keep an open mind, speak with stakeholders, and lobby ministers.
And if they decide to vote the wrong way in a completely opportunistic, simplistic binary vote the issues will be weaponsied against them.
They will have appalling abuse and threats hurled at them - particularly women MPs.
It will be as if we have learnt nothing from Jo Cox, Donald Trump and the notion that we have #MoreInCommon
Opposition days used to be more constructive, they used to be the source of positive change in policy as parties worked together.
These days they are planned to generate abuse and hatred.
Tomorrow, if the Government has any sense, they should boycott Labour's opposition day debate. They shouldn't speak, they shouldn't vote.
Labour will be planning for the same sort of similar, hopefully non-violent, incitement as other politicians seeking the emotive, populist, meme-friendly win.
It will happen anyway, it's madness for the Conservative Party to help enable it.
It's time to boycott opposition days until they can be used for constructive purposes once more.
Leon Spence is Chairman of North West Leicestershire Conservatives
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