Dear Resident
I have been privileged to be Leader of North West Leicestershire District Council for the past 12 years.
I am writing to you today to ask you to vote for my Conservative team in the local elections on May 2nd.
Let me start by saying what councils cannot do. We cannot change national politics.
I know many of you are fed up by the ongoing saga of Brexit and how it has affected our public life for more than three years. I am just as fed up of Brexit as you are.
But councils do matter immensely. North West Leicestershire District Council and the services we provide has a direct influence on your life and the lives of people who live and work in our district.
I’m very proud that over the past 12 years our district has become one of the most sought-after places to live, work or open a business in the whole country.
Independent figures show that in North West Leicestershire we have higher wages, lower unemployment and more businesses opening here than anywhere else in the East Midlands. That’s what a Conservative controlled local council can deliver for you.
Whilst other public bodies have increased council tax I am very proud that the amount we charge you at North West Leicestershire has been frozen for 9 years. With your support we can continue that freeze for 4 more.
And because our district has been successful it means we can deliver major new projects, like our brand new leisure centre or building council houses, without cutting the frontline services that we all depend on.
The people of North West Leicestershire are honest and decent and work hard to deliver the best life for themselves and their families.
Your Conservative candidate understands that because, all across our district, we believe we have those self-same values.
Those principles of honesty and decency are at the heart of what a Conservative council does.
Please support us to deliver that for four more years on May 2nd.
Richard Blunt
Leader – North West Leicestershire Conservatives